Give Your Kids the Lifelong Gifts of Personal Success, Confidence, Discipline, and Self-Defense
People often associate martial arts with self-defense, but Kids Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu offers children much more than the ability to protect themselves. They also help children become, disciplined, and confident, teaching them skills they’ll carry for life.
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Chris Ulbricht
I’m Chris Ulbricht, Owner & Head Instructor here at Garden State Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Academy.
Over my many years of teaching martial arts, one thing I’ve enjoyed the most is training children and watching them grow.
But more important than the martial arts skills they learn… is the personal skills they develop and carry for life. Because martial arts is not just about arm bars and takedowns, and getting the next colorful belt.
It’s about developing confidence, discipline, character, focus and respect.
To be sure, these classes develop muscles and flexibility. More than that, however, they build strong minds and strong spirits, which will serve them well in all areas of life.
Regardless of a child’s level of fitness, as they learn different techniques and feel the difference in their movements, they grow in self-esteem and self-awareness.
The best part? Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a ton of FUN!
I’ve seen lots of kids light up learning Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, so I feel confident that your children will love it too.
Please check out more information about how our Jiu-Jitsu training might benefit your child, then give us a call if you have any additional questions.
Thank you, and we hope to see your child soon!
Any of these challenges?

Every child has unique challenges. Even children who are intelligent sometimes have trouble paying attention at school, at home, or in other important situations.

Maybe they’ve never been diagnosed with ADHD or ADD, but it still feels like you have to tell them to do something repeatedly before they do it.

Maybe focusing isn’t the problem. Perhaps they feel awkward or shy, or they have trouble making friends. Perhaps they’re being bullied. Maybe they wish they had more confidence.
Raising children is never easy, but it only seems to get tougher with each generation and the complications of technology and modern life. However, you don’t need to cajole, plead, raise your voice, or be stern to change how they behave and set them on a positive path.
You can teach your children the value of hard work, self-discipline, and respect in a natural, effective, and empowering way through Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu classes for children also promote fundamental habits of safety, fitness, and health.
AGES 4 - 6
AGES 7 - 10
AGES 11+
Friends aren’t your only concern as far as your child’s character development goes. Social media alone gives you plenty to fret about regarding questionable and negative influences.
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu classes can be a productive and nurturing environment for your child’s character, giving them building blocks for success and the courage to stay true to what’s right, even when you’re not nearby. We’ve seen how positive interactions with their instructors and teammates as children learn various techniques draw out and enrich other parts of their personalities, making them shine.
Our busy schedules mean that many families eat on the go during the week, which doesn’t make for the healthiest diet. Laptops, tablets, and video games- plus hoverboards and scooters- don’t encourage regular exercise, either. About 1 in 6 children aged 2 to 19 is considered obese, government statistics show.
Our Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu training provides children with plenty of exercise and also plenty of fun. Our games, drills, and other activities avoid making training repetitious so that children learn to enjoy moving their bodies.
As our young students become healthier, they become stronger, sleep better, and develop a healthy appreciation for exercise that stays with them as they become adults.
Every parent wants to keep their child safe yet also to know what to do when they’re in trouble, even if they never have to use those skills.
Our Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu for kids teach how to take the tension out of a situation without using violence if possible. That said, we also emphasize how to recognize when using force is necessary.
We meet children at their fitness level and train them in the skills they need to protect themselves in a variety of circumstances.
We’ve talked a lot about discipline, but we always remember that children are children. They deserve to grow and learn at their pace- and to have fun!
While the regular school day might not always make learning a pleasurable experience, we assure you that your child will enjoy coming to our Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu sessions. We make learning rigorous yet fun by ensuring that our students are never bored and that classes don’t feel repetitive.
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More Benefits

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu classes get kids off the couch into an environment where they can learn and appreciate their bodies’ capabilities.

Learning Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu builds physical stamina and strength, two key components of physical fitness.

An energetic Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu training increases muscle mass and helps drop excess weight by at least 600 calories.

Aside from the physical benefits, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu training classes help children feel grounded, self-assured, and confident.
Secure your spot & get started today with our EXCLUSIVE online offer!
Trusted by 500 members
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